So, here are some pics of my precious ones. This is Tank the first time she had to wear the cone. We called her Radar and Sonar dog that week. This is Jett at work with her "friends". Her favorite is that mallard duck. When we showed up to take her home when she was a baby, we gave Abby, Jett's doggie mommy, a duck in trade for the puppy. Abby thought it was a good trade because she had ten puppies and no duck. My Wii fitness age this morning is 31. Yesterday it was 81! Ouch. The morning before it was 41. I love my Wii. I want to get Wii fitness but it will have to wait until I get some other things paid for first. I am also interested in buying Rock Band. I played Guitar Hero for the first time last weekend. It was the first time in my entire life that I was able to make music. I kinda liked it. I'm musically retarded so this was a big thing for me. Of course, I sucked at it but I'm ok with that. I am of the opinion that everyone should do things that they suck at from time to time. It builds character.
My Wii fitness age changes daily too - from a low of 42 to a high of 67. It all depends on what tests it throws at me in the morning. I can't do any of the one leg balance tests without keeping the lifted foot still on the board on tippie-toes. I have made a lot of progress in the month we've had this though. My question - I've gotten access to all the Balance games and want MORE. How do we get more balance games?
Ah, you got the REAL Wii fitness. I'm still playing with Wii sports. The REAL one is on my list to buy, prolly by the end of summer. The balance games looked like the fun ones. Maybe they will come out with more as people demand more.
I love my Wii.
I have a pass with Blockbuster where I can have a game and change it any time I want, however many times I want. They don't have Wii Fitness or Guitar hero (or Rockband). Prolly cuz you need extra gear. However, they do have Mario Kart that that has gear. If you had to, you could just use the remote but the steering wheel is what makes it fun.
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