Ok, so Mel started this trend on her blog, then Bookworm continued it.... you know I can't stand to not play, so.....
The bucket list...from a recent movie called the Bucket List .. .things you want to do before you kick the bucket.....
1 - Paint a public mural - like on the side of a big building down town
2 - Catch a big fish - like the salmon that almost ate our boat then got away
3 - Kids - one maybe two (I know, I'm getting too old for this one)
4 - Take my mother on a cruise (Ok, Jenn can come too. Since I'll have to have won the lotto to do this one, I'll take Jenn's mother too. Ok, since I'm dreaming, I'll take my cousin and my pseudo sister aka sister in law as well. Oh, and my bestest friend.)
5 - Build a soap box derby car
6 - RV up and down the Western coast line
7 - Drive a dune buggy on the beach
8 - Go to Disneyland again
9 - Participate in a Two-Spirit sweatlodge ceremony
10 - See a pod of Orcas in the sound
11 - Take a cruise to Alaska.
12 - Have a vacation home on the coast
13 - Buy my honey a 1966 Ford 150 Pick up - midnight blue
14 - Write and publish a book
15 - Go to the Smithonian Museum and while there - go to the Holocaust Museum
16 - Go to as many smaller museums that I can
More later, gotta go to work
Ok, here's more:
17 - Go to as many plays and theatre events as possible. I want to see at least one Opera, even if I hate it. I want to go to the symphony at least once.
18 - I want to show my art work. I want to do a one woman show after being in several juried shows.
19 - Go camping as often as possible. I want to share my love of camping with my nephews, then my own children, then others as possible.
20 - I want to hike part of the Pacific Crest Trail with my bestest pal and my dogs
21 - I want to build some of my own furniture
22 - I want to volunteer with an agency like Red Cross in times of crisis - like 9/11 or the Oklahoma City bombing - with my therapy dogs
23 - I want to get a long bow and get really good at shooting arrows at targets
24 - I want to shoot a gun at targets - stationary and skeet type
25 - I want to camp on the beach with family and friends - build a camp fire and sit and talk all night long after a long day of fishing, beach combing, and wake boarding
26 - I want to take my mom to a fancy tea - like English High Tea in British Columbia
27 - I want to bake salmon over a campfire on cedar planks
28 - I want to build a sweat lodge in my back yard
29 - I want to go on a week long vision quest by myself
30 - I want to hike to the top of Multnomah Falls
31 - I want to keep on finding stuff in my life that interests me so that I never grow stale
Added 7/16/08
32 - I want to learn to weld
I definately want to go back to DC. I saw a lot while I was there, but not like I'd like to. It was much to short a trip. So, when are we going to do it?
Your list is great! Hmm, maybe I should copy a few of your items...they sound pretty good!
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