This is a picture of the sneakers I wore today. I put it on the shelf of my desk at the clinic. I have a desk in a box at the clinic and I have a desk in my office at Youth House. I am rarely at the clinic these days. Melanie wrote a blog on ten icky things to step on and said that she doesn't like shoes much. Me, however, I *LOVE* sneakers. I love the way new sneakers hug your feet. I love the soft comfortable easy feeling of a pair of broken in sneakers. My favorite brand of sneakers is Nike even though I haven't had the luxury of owning a pair of Nikes since I was in my early twenties. This particular shoe and the mate are Adidas. I'm very fond of Adidas these days. I have several pair. And how can we remember how to spell Adidas? All Day I Dream About Sex. A D I D A S . Nike, however, is a local company in the Portland area. I have tender feet so I don't go barefoot very often.
Yesterday CampPupp went to grandma's house and unexpectantly stayed the night as my room mate ended up in the hospital for respiratory issues. Today I secured two nights campsite for Friday and Saturday night in Estacada. On Sunday, we meet up with the Adam's family for family camp. I wanted a couple of extra days of camping. I need it. I need a vacation. I need to sleep in, lounge around camp and read a book, watch the kids and dogs play in the river, hike, craft and do art work, carve, and then play and talk by the campfire all night long.
Several nights ago we rented Semi Pro. DUMB STUPID DUMB http://www.semipromovie.com/ Tonight we are watching The Attic http://www.atticmovie.com/. The jury is still out on this one so I'll give the number of paws up later.
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