Sunday, December 21, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Advent Calendar Day Two
Monday, December 1, 2008
Advent Calendar

This weekend I broke down and got a FaceBook account. Pathetic, I know.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
101: My FULL name is: Pupp
100 : I was born in: California
99 : I am reall
98 : My phone
97 : My eye color
96 : My ring size is: Huge
95 : My heigh
94 : I am aller
93 : I was born on: Groundhogs Day
92 : I am annoy
91 : Last book I read: Brother Odd by Dean Koontz. Well that was the last one I finished. I'm currently reading:Odd Hours, Prettys, Twilight, A Teacher's Gift, and a couple others that I forget the names.
89 : My favor
82 : The last 3 cds I bough
81 : Are you livin
80: Do you have any sibli
- Do/
78 : Love at First
77 : Luck? Yep. But most of it you make for yourself.
76 : Fate?
No. I believe that there can be a plan but one is not a victim of fate.
75: Yours
74 : Alien
73 : Heave
72 : Horos
71 : Soul mates
- Which
70 : Hugs or Kisse
68 : Phone
67 : Blond
:) Both and Red heads, and green and all different kinds. I love diversity.
66 : Hot or cold? Cold is better.
65 : Summe
64 : Choco
63 : Night
62 : Orang
61 : Curly
- Here'
60 : Abort
59 : Assis
58: Legal
Yes. Then tax the hell out of it. I don't smoke pot. However, I don't believe that people are criminals if they do smoke. Put the tax dollars into education and rehab.
57 : Hugge
56 : Saw someo
55 : Who is the most accid
54 : Who makes
53 : Whats
52 : What I don'
51 : The most unsat
50 : Somet
49 : The thing
48 : Thing
47: Yeste
46 : Today
45 : Next Summe
44: This weeke
43 Peopl
42 The perso
41 : The most diffi
40 : I have gotte
39: The first
38 : The one perso
37 : Last time someo
36 : Right
35 : What is your dream
34 : First
33 : I have these
31 : The perso
30 : Best sound
29 : Who makes
28. Which
27 : Myspa
26 : Mexic
25 : My favor
24 : Last time I cried
23 My compu
22 : Favor
21 : Last perso
20 : Your secre
19 : Favor
18: Favor
17 : Paper
16 : The all-
15: The all-
14: What color
13 : Favor
12 : I lose all respe
11 : What do you hate the most: Some days it's myself.
10 : Color
9 : TV chann
8 : Best Featu
7 : Best featu
6 : The worst
5 : Favor
4 : My favor
2 : Who broke
1 : bigge
Monday, November 10, 2008
Tree of Life
This mural is called the Tree of Life and it lives in Estacada. While we were there, Butch and I took a morning to take pictures of the murals in the town. We ran into a guy who was painting. He said that every year a group of artists work all summer to do a new mural. Estacada has a lot of hidden surprises.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Monkey Rama
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
The Box Twins
Before we went camping, we bought a new BBQ. We took it with us in the box it came in. At the camp site, I opened the box and assembled the pieces. The box was too good to waste. We tossed a blanket into it and it became Jett's place by the campfire ring. This is what happens when the alpha dog eats breakfast and the little sister finds an opportunity. Jett has a habit of tattling on Tank when Tank is in Jett's place. Jett will stand in front of one of us, then when she has our attention she will look over at Tank as if to say "Troll deportation, PLEASE!" It's quite cute. We keep telling Tank that she will be alpha someday. She doesn't believe us. However, we're not looking forward to that day at all.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Doby the Princess
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Pupp and the dorks
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Waterdog Cove
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Mr Waterdog's Boat Ride
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Jenn rides da fish
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Estacada Mural
This is my fav mural in Estacada. Estacada is a small town up river from Portland where we go camping each year. This mural is on the wall of the local grocery store. Estacada has a group of local artists who do a new mural every summer. Nephew Butch and I spent a morning this summer in town to take pics of many of the murals. They have some nice murals that I will share later on. I really love public art, especially murals. There is a lot of great public art in my area. I'm working on getting pics of as much as I can.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Studio Wall
This is a wall in my studio aka our sun room. You can see my pirate flag and some wooden skeletons that I painted. There is also a sketch of the Venus of Willendorf that I did in preparation for a painting that never happened. The other newsprint papers on the wall are other sketches I did for paintings. The sun room isn't the greatest room. It leaks in the winter time and is too hot in the summer time. What I really need is a bigger living room so that I can work and leave it out in progress while still hanging out with the family in a temperature controlled room. The other half of the sun room contains Jenn's craft materials and a study area for her. I really need to get something set up soon though because I think I'll do paintings for my family for Christmas this year.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Good Boy Movie Review

Good Boy is one of the bestest movies ever! I give it two paws up, a tail wag and a scratch behind the ears. http://www.goodboy.com/
There are so many great lines in the move. My favorite is from the Boxer who realizes that the boy can hear from them so he asks for a cookie...then he goes for it. "Can I have a cookie? No, wait...10 cookies? 100 COOKIES?!?!" They also give a very good explanation why dogs turn around so many times in their bed before laying down to sleep. This is a feel good movie where the dog doesn't die. I don't watch movies if the dog dies. I don't find that to be very entertaining. We'll even walk out of a theater if it happens. No "Yeller Dog" movies in our house!
Sleepy Radar Dog

Here's Tank the first time she had to wear "The Cone". Tank is allergic to corn and gets very itchy/scratchy after eating it. She was so tired from fighting this all day that she passed out. Later on, I'll share more photos of Tank and "The Cone". Tonight we bought a Halloween costume for Jett. Tank will wear "The Greater Dane" costume that we bought and modified several years ago. We don't say Scooby in our house because it upsets Jett. When Jett was a baby, I had a Scooby Doo collection and she would get in big trouble if she stoled my Scooby Doo stuffies. Later on, after I gave most of the collection away, someone gave her a stuffed Scooby and she refused to play with it. If someone says Scooby with Jett in the room, she gets up and either runs to us and leaves us!! So we say "Greater Dane" like they did in the Movie "Good Boy".
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Shelf yet once again
Ok, here's another shelf. That's a Snoopy and Woodstock telephone. I traded a Mickey Mouse gumball machine for it about 12 or so years ago. There's also a ping pong ball gun complete with blue ping pong balls. The gumball machine is the first one I ever got. At one point in my life, I had about 100 gumball machines. It took over my house. There was a point when I was buying them just because I didn't already have one like it. I gave away all of them but this. I kept the very first one, this one, and one that looks like a Texaco gas pump. I made Jenn the rainbow menorah for her birthday one year. We try to light the candles around Hanukkah every year even though we are not Jewish. But I figured any reason to pray was ok. It's the same God. And the candles are very cool and pretty when lit. The first time it was lit was during a dinner party we had right before Christmas several years ago. The power went out and we lit this. It provided light for the entire house. And it was way cool.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Korean Mt Dew
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Camp Hangover
Nephew Hayden. He just looks like he was out all night drinking. This is what a camp hangover looks like. It comes from playing hard all day, eating too much sugar, talking a million miles an hour, laughing until you hurt, staying up too late by the camp fire, sleeping in a tent, and fighting the rain all night.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Ruffing it
This is another picture of CampPupp 2008. This is Jenn and Tank sleeping in the RV late into the morning. I know from experience that Jenn can yawn as big as Tank is right now, I just didn't catch it on the camera. The little RV has a queen sized bed in the cab. It's very comfortable. I love the little RV for several reasons. I love that no matter how owie I get from hiking, swimming, fishing, etc. - that I can sleep in a comfortable bed. Also, I don't have to hike up the hill if I have to pee in the middle of the night. It's also very nice when it rains heavily for a long time. It's great for camping in the winter in the Pacific North West. I'll post a pic of it later on.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Skateboard Dreams
My nephews spent about 3 weeks with us this summer. Tank and Jett think that that nephews belong to them. Tank thinks she can do anything that Butch can do. This is Butch trying to play on his skateboard in the back yard. Tank isn't helping much because she wants to play too. He tried kicking the soccer ball then racing to his board to play while she ran the ball down. But the backyard just isn't big enough. I think he finally had to put her in the sun room while he played by himself for a while. I wish I had taken a picture of her looking out the window at him skateboarding without her. She cried and thought that he was torturing her. She even tried coming back into the living room and tattling on him.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
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