It seems that everyone has their favorite "character". And this is helpful to know when buying others gifts. It seems that some people have these favs so that when they have money they know what to spend it on. They start collections of things that feature this fav ccharacter. Many of these things are items that one doesn't really need but want because it's their "guy". I, too, have my "guys". One of my first "guys" was the Taz. I loved him because he was a bundle of energy. And believe it or not, I once looked a bit like him. Of course, that was back in my early 20s when I was still moblile and able to play sports. I also worked in a lumbermill so I used my muscles all day. I had a boyfriend "back in the day" who told me that I wasn't fat, but that I was just kinds 'studly". He would also say that he felt safe with me because I looked like I could kick anyone's butt. I think tht was the nicest thing he ever said to me. Of course, we split up, mostly because I was moving on with my life and leaving town to attend University. That and because the guy couldn't get up in the morning without a rum iand coke in his hand. This was before I realized that I was gay. Anyway, I digress. I loved the Taz. And Taz items were hard to find so when I did find something, it was a big treat. But then the marketing world figured out that people have "guiys". The market suddendly had tons of Taz stuff. So much that my guy was no longer special. I lost interest. Later on, the same thing would happen to another one of my guys. But I'll talk about that one another day.
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